Peter Weil Profiled by Lawdragon on 35 Years of Transformation
Glaser Weil Managing Partner Peter Weil is featured as the subject of Lawdragon's January 2, 2024, Lawyer Limelights. Lawyer Limelights is Lawdragon's online Q&A series featuring discussions with top practitioners from across the nation, including corporate counsel, law firm stars, leaders in academia, public interest lawyers and more.
In his interview, Peter spoke about 35 years of transformation at Glaser Weil. He shared insights about his experiences as managing partner, described his leadership style, spoke to the largest strategic priorities of the Firm today and what legacy he hopes to leave behind.
"Peter Weil has been one of Century City’s go-to experts in real estate and corporate law for decades, manning the legal side of developments that have shaped the climate of Los Angeles and beyond. He’s done all that while managing an ever-evolving, prominent law firm. It’s all in a day’s work," wrote Lawdragon.
View his full Lawyer Limelights profile here.